Social commitments

It helps to try to understand. Most of the children in the world are not as fortunate as ours. A lot of times even the most basic needs are not met. To us at Rörets it is natural to contribute in many different ways, and through many different organizations. Helping out can perhaps make us start to understand what it is like to lack food and clean water, shelter and health care.
To fully understand is impossible.

SINI Hargushay Primary School

Our mother company Sinituote Oy is in the process of building an elementary school in Gendabi village, Tanzania. The construction started in 2007 and will continue for at least 10 years. The goal is to build a school for 1000 students, as well as teachers accommodations. In addition to building the school, Sinituote will also contribute with text books and school uniforms. Furthermore, scholarships will be granted to the school’s 10 top students every year, to give them an opportunity to continue their studies after leaving SINI Hargushay Primary School.

Radiohjälpen – Världens Barn

Världens Barn mission statement is that all children have the right to health, education and safety.

Radiohjälpen Världens Barn are therefore constantly working to improve the conditions for those children who live under vulnerable conditions, focusing specifically on health, education and safety. Because when children live in a safe environment have good health and education, their chances increase significantly to enjoy a bright future.

Swedish Cancer Society

Rörets Industries is very proud to be a corporate sponsor of the Swedish Cancer Society. By making an annual donation we are part of the fight against cancer. We believe that our commitment makes a difference.

Team Rynkeby

The majority of funds raised by Team Rynkeby goes towards researching childhood cancer. Heart breaking facts are that one in 450 children suffer from cancer before reaching the age of 15 and every fifth child does not survive. It makes childhood cancer the primary cause of death among children aged 1-15.

We at Rörets hope that through our contribution can make a difference in some way for the families affected.


Every day, every month, every year thousands of men are diagnosed with prostate cancer! More money is needed in the fight against Sweden’s most common form of cancer. We are proud to be part of Mustaschkampen!

We hope that with our help, the research will keep moving forward.